Jim Broyles was a wonderful human being who shared his talents and friendship with all of us involved here at Casabuena and other local area theaters. He passed away unexpectedly on July 6, 2023, and left a giant hole in our hearts and theater community. He was a founding company member of Casabuena, who acted in all but two of our short films, and all but 4 of our theatrical productions. He was a bright light and talent, and we will always be grateful for the time he spent with us. Below is an excerpt from the Eulogy I shared at his memorial in August:
Our Friend Jim was an actor. He didn’t study it in school, beyond a few electives in college, but he learned by doing it over the last 16 years. He performed in plays all around the Philadelphia region, more than 30 shows between 2007 and 2023. Several of which I had the pleasure of directing him in for Casabuena, Allens Lane and The Stagcrafter Theater. He also appeared in 9 short films, and lent his voice talents to 2 others. He loved doing voice acting, and his voice can still be heard on G-town radio 92.9fm introducing a local Talk Show that airs bi-monthly on that station. He was always interested in taking on projects that would strengthen his acting skills, and challenge his creativity. I never passed on an opportunity to work with him on stage or screen, and twice I even got to perform onstage with him. Everyone I know who worked with him always remarked on what a natural talent he was and how much they enjoyed sharing the stage with him. He will definitely be remembered by those who got to see him shine in front of an audience.
Our friend Jim has left us far too soon. He has left us with a hole in our hearts we will now fill with our memories of him, and our thoughts of him, and our love for him. He will never be forgotten, and he will be thought of often. He lives on in each of us who knew and cared for him. And while that doesn’t seem like nearly enough, it is what we will hold on to when we feel sad that he is gone. Jim wouldn’t want us to be sad, he would want us to smile and remember how he entertained us and made us laugh. He would want us to see him in all the things around us that he enjoyed. We see you Jim in all these things. We miss you immeasurably, but are so very glad we knew you. Even if only for a little while.
“Goodnight Sweet Prince. And Flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest.”- William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 5 Sc. 2