As Casabuena wraps up its 5th season- will you consider making a 100% tax deductible donation today?

October 2017
Dear Friends,
We have had such an exciting season at Casabuena Cultural Productions this year! Because of help from friends like you we were able to offer even more unique experiences for our youth performers, as they learned from and worked with performing arts professionals in a creative and supportive environment.
In June we produced The Shakespearecist and A Poodle More Beautiful at Allens Lane Theater. A Poodle More Beautiful was the Directorial Debut of Youth Company Member Jared Taylor (age 16). His show was met with great praise from our audiences.
In August we participated in the 2017 Philadelphia 48 Hour Film Project, where we wrote and produced a short film in two days! Our Buddy Film Every Day is Christmas was co-written and co-starring Youth Company Member Jared Taylor as he worked side by side with Company Member and Filmmaker Stephanie C Kernisan. Several other Casabuena Company and Youth Company members as well as two new youth performers joined us to produce this fun film.
As we approach our final production of this season in December and gear up for our exciting 2018 Season, we are asking you to consider making a donation to Casabuena Cultural Productions. We are raising funds for our final production of the season, Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol, at The Stagecrafters Theater in Chestnut Hill, as well as for the three productions we plan to mount in 2018, including a powerful work we are taking to the Fringe Festival in September. With your help we can surely make this happen! We just need to reach our fundraising goal by the end of the year (December 31st) to make this last leg of our season possible and ensure that our 2018 season will be a critical success.
New in 2018 we will be sponsoring our first Youth Company Member to attend the Virginia State Thespian Festival in January. This is an opportunity like no other, where this student will spend a weekend taking intensified workshops in theater and seeing the best plays high schoolers from around the state of Virginia have to offer. Funds we raise this year will hopefully allow us to offer this opportunity to other Casabuena Youth Company Members in the years ahead!
Every little bit helps and we really appreciate your consideration and support. Donors get not only our love and gratitude, but some levels even include perks like, special donor VIP seating, tickets to a show, an ad libbed line in the play about you, a cameo in one of our films, and other fun things we came up with to show you how much your support means to us.
There are a couple ways to donate:
- You can donate by credit card online at the link below:
- If you prefer, you can also donate by check.
Please mail checks to Mariangela Saavedra, 93 W Sedgwick Street, Philadelphia, PA 19119.
Checks should be made payable to Fractured Atlas, with Casabuena Cultural Productions in the memo line.
Casabuena Cultural Productions is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non‐profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of Casabuena Cultural Productions must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” and are tax‐deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Thank you in advance for your generous support.
Mariangela Saavedra
Artistic Director
Visit for more information about becoming a donor, and our shows and screenings.