Directors Log: #1-Three weeks till the Preview Performance!

In shows past by the three week out mark things are usually fairly chaotic. There are programs to get together. There are ticket sales to launch. There are costumes to make and props to finish collecting. It’s always so much to do and so little time.
I am happy to say that this production of MmmBeth is proving to be quite different. In the beginning there was a lot of chaos. Actors having to suddenly quit the production and leaving the roles to be filled. Props mysteriously going missing only to be found after rehearsal etc. In fact, early on one might say that this production was turning out to be as jinxed as the show it is mocking typically is! But all of that has calmed down now as we settle in for the last 3 weeks of rehearsal before we open at Allen’s Lane.
The cast is really starting to gel, and I am beyond happy with the humor and stage presence each actor is bringing to their character. The youth performers are getting so very good in their roles and I am looking forward to seeing what getting them in front of an audience will do for them.
My team of professional actors impress me at every rehearsal. From their skill with improv comedy to their willingness to teach and mentor the young performers in their roles, they are just as committed to bringing this production to the stage as I am. I could not be more excited for this show to open.
Rehearsal pictures are below for you to enjoy and be sure to stay tuned for Directors Log: #2-Witches, Witches, Witches!